Recently, Envision had the opportunity to speak with Anastasia Verleysen, a journalist from The Nursing Network, who was interested in our first virtual gaming simulation, “Hello, you must be Flo!” We were thrilled to be included in a discussion about innovation in healthcare and were happy to share our insights with her.

Our virtual gaming simulations offer an immersive and safe learning environment that challenges students to apply their knowledge, improve their technical and communication skills, and think critically about decision-making and collaboration. With the COVID-19 pandemic, we have seen a shift towards online alternatives for hands-on high-fidelity simulations. Envision’s virtual gaming simulations provide a solution that integrates all of the essential components of simulation into a digital format. Through the Envision project, we have developed two Virtual Gaming Simulations (VGS), “Hello, you must be Flo!” and “Caring off duty!”, which are available on our website in open access.

We also provide a framework and guidelines for using these VGS effectively in online distance learning, classroom education, or blended applications, even after the pandemic. For educators interested in integrating our online simulations into their curriculum, we offer a step-by-step guide for prebriefing, enactment, and debriefing in the “How to Use?” or “Facilitator Guide” section of our website. We have also created a “How to Make?” guide for educators who want to create their own VGS. This guide is a testimony of the creation process of Envision’s VGS, covering all aspects of the TPACK model in the pre-production, production, and post-production stages. We are excited to share our knowledge and expertise with other educators and designers to help them create and implement effective virtual gaming simulations. By providing practical tips and a firsthand account of our experiences, we hope to inspire others to explore the possibilities of digital simulation tools in healthcare education.

We look forward to seeing the innovative solutions that will come from this growing interest in virtual gaming simulations.