The intellectual outputs of the Envision project are shared with teachers, students and stakeholders during multiplier events (ME).
Four European educational partners will organize 2 ME’s each during the project duration:
o OAMK Oulun Ammattikorkeakouly (Finland)
o URV Universitat Rovira i Virgili (Spanje)
o LUV Ljudska Univerza Velenje (Slovenia)
o Arteveldehogeschool (Belgium – project lead)
The Spanish partners are the first to present the interim result on IO2 – the VGS on pediatric polytrauma.
Teachers and professionals learned about the learning outcomes, the storyline and the branching scenario. A great exchange of ideas and co-creation!
Great event thanks to María Jiménez Herreira, Mireia Usart Rodríguez, Luis Marqués Molías, Leticia Bazo Hernàndez and Adrián Baeza González!