On Wednesday evening of our LTT3, we had an online meeting on intellectual output 3 of our Envision project.
What a nice place to talk about technology for virtual simulation in this centre of technology of in-person simulation; the operator room.
With Svein-Tore Griff-With, CEO of Joubel – founder of H5P, we discussed the newly developed features to support the online VGS experience: documentation tool, randomization in branching scenario, individual progress report for student, bird’s eye view for teachers when the VGS is implemented in an LMS.

As you know the first VGS “Hello, you must be Flo!” is already operational on our website, ready to be played by students and teachers. But these new features will support the digital education readiness by providing more learner analytics when the games are embedded in the learning management systems.

The Envision Technology members of the our TPACK-teams, will test the new H5P features. It is looking very promising!